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Ten frequently asked questions about the used car industry and the latest automobile trends

The previous blog focused on the best-suited car for different requirements. As a continuation, this blog throws more light on questions involving used car finances, their maintenance and their pros and cons. The doubts arising while buying a used car can be clarified after reading the below FAQs.

Q1: Are cars an investment?

Ans: As far as India is concerned, cars are an investment. This is because cars are an episodic purchase and are not changed often. Moreover, recently cars have become a social status symbol. Since, a house is an investment for more than two people to live in, for more than two people to travel, a car becomes an investment. One type of investment is for mobility and status and another type of investment is to earn daily bread. 

Q2: Are used cars problematic?

Ans: For the past 10 years, the technology has been advancing and the engine manufactured can run for about 2-4 Lakh Kilometres. Engine maintenance increases the life of a car. Other minor scratches and dents can be rectified with basic service. Before, buying to check if a car is road worthy or not, there are private car inspections we can opt for that generates a report on the used car details. Additionally, schemes such as returning the car after a month if not satisfied are also available. Furthermore, used cars have become more reliable with warranty provisions, maintenance contracts, insurance, and roadside assistance.

Q3: Is a car bought from a single owner better?

Ans: The parivahan website is a government site that can be accessed for free. When the registration number of a car is entered, it generates the owner's details. Single owners mean less usage and lesser damage, so they are a better option to buy a car from. 

Q4: Is a mechanic’s assistance required to buy a used car?

Ans: It depends on two sources of used cars:

  1. Authorized showrooms provide a certificate after a full inspection of the car. Moreover, they service the cars once they get them in the showrooms and provide the buyers with a warranty car. Mechanics are not required in this case.
  2. If purchasing from an unauthorized showroom, mechanics or test drive cannot determine the issues with the car and an organised inspection can be useful here.

Q5: What are the things to observe when buying an old car?

  1. Age of the car, it is better to buy with cash if the car is within 15 years and loans can be availed if the car’s age is within 10 years. 
  2. Original car documents- Check if the RC book number is the same as the number on the car and ensure that the customer details match the documents.
  3. Check the condition of the car via a private inspection.

Q6: Why do people sell their cars?

Ans: 1. To go for a new car. The cash obtained can be used as an initial payment for the new car.

  1. If the car causes trouble and requires frequent maintenance or service.
  2. Cars are changed as a status symbol; it has become a trend to change cars.          
  3. Some cars are returned if the loan cannot be paid. 

Q7: Some spare parts for foreign cars are not in India and have to be imported, so what is the best for Indian consumers?

Ans: All Indian manufacturers have foreign collaborations. For instance, Hyundai is a Japanese company, yet all the manufacturing is done in India, so spare parts needn't be imported except for rare models of cars.

Q8: Petrol, Diesel, ECs, which of these is better for the middle class?

Ans: Petrol cars are the best for the bourgeois as they’re environmentally friendly compared to diesel cars and they’re affordable. ECs are the cleanest and yet they can be overpriced. Though the rate of per/L of diesel is lower than petrol, the difference is almost negligible currently. Therefore, petrol cars have the highest sale due to higher demand.

Q9: How to maintain a car after purchase?

Ans: For a new car, there are service supports for three years. They should be serviced for every 5000 km driven. Another aspect is a warranty that can cover up to some costs during servicing. Insurance comes in handy if the car meets with an accident. An annual maintenance contract is useful for a resold car. 

Q10: Is it advisable to buy a used car that has met with accidents?

Ans: A plying car meeting with an accident is not recommended to buy. This is majorly due to the engine damage. The replacement can cost a fortune and is prone to failure. Minor scratches and dents are alright as they can be repaired with minimal servicing. 

Q11: What should we know about Electric Cars (ECS)?

Ans: ECs are our future, but the adoption rate is very low. Out of the total car sale, 2-3% of them are ECs and the trend is said to grow in another 10 years. The battery used for an EC has been improvised to an extent such that the car can be driven for 150 km without charging it. The expenditure on electricity is much lower than on fuel. Most importantly, the energy generated is almost clean and the car does not leave any carbon footprints. The battery used and other technical aspects are factors that affect the safety of the car.

Expecting that both blogs were helpful in giving some insights related to cars. Looking to purchase a used car? Kuwy is the right place. They connect you digitally to various car dealers and make the loan process much easier.

Happy and fun learning!


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