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Five Must-Know Myths & Facts about Used cars


First-time used car buyers mostly rely on the information provided by their comrades or friends when it comes to an investment. But, the question is, do they get relevant inform …

Most Frequently Asked Questions before buying Used Cars


Some people acquire used cars to practice their driving skills before purchasing a new vehicle, while others may do so owing to financial restrictions. Whatever the motivation f …

How do you know your car needs Service?


The automobile industry has evolved drastically. Cars are your dearest assets of life. They need your care and maintenance. Cars require a substantial amount of care and mainten …

What Damage Potholes Can Do To Your Car And How To Prevent Them


The season for potholes is quickly approaching. Both human activity and climatic changes have a big impact on road conditions. Yes, you did read that correctly. Most often, poth …

Five Misconception when buying a used luxury car


We are mindful of how challenging it can be to choose between buying a new or used car. Although they are appealing, luxury cars should not drain your finances. You're currently …

All about Driving License in India


Have you renewed your driving license yet? Owning a car isn't only about happiness and pleasure but also a responsibility. When you drive your car on the Indian roads, the promi …

How do Electric Cars Impact the Logistics Industry?


Years pass by, and we have come to thoughts of cleaning our country and making it eco-friendly by all possible means. It's not only about our own country but the world is headin …

Why should you opt for car finance?


There has been a significant growth in the number of cars that have been bought with loans. According to reports, around 80% of the passenger vehicles and almost 100% of commerc …

Four Types of Fuel & its Purposes to Know


While buying a car, I bet you would have definitely missed this topic on a discussion. In the excitement of buying a car, mileage and the other details including finance will gr …

Digital Lending in India - The Kuwy Take


Technology is considered to be one of the boons of our time but it also comes at a high price. According to several reports, technology has helped many industries, including the …